Hyakuma Persimmon

category : Persimmon

  • Beneath the surface, the flesh of Hyakume persimmons exhibits a variety of textures, influenced by their ripeness and handling. When freshly picked, they start with a firm, compact, and crisp consistency, which gradually transforms into a tender, watery, and jelly-like texture as they mature. The flesh typically appears in a pale orange hue, occasionally bearing tiny brown specks, especially if the fruit has undergone pollination, and encloses a few oval light brown seeds.
    • Dried persimmon slices are a delightful snack that offers a unique flavor, attractive color, distinct texture, and several health benefits compared to fresh persimmons.
    • Free form.
    • No added sugars.
    • No artificial color.
    • Carefully hand sorted.
    • Packaged in your preferred way.

  • Taste: Hyakume persimmons offer a rich and gentle flavor reminiscent of dried apples and pears, with subtle notes of spiced sugar.
  •  Dried Hyakume persimmon has a concentrated, sweet, and slightly tangy flavor. The drying process intensifies the natural sweetness of persimmons, making them taste like a delicious, natural candy.
  • Color: The color of dried Hyakume persimmon has a yellow hue. Which makes dried persimmons visually appealing.
  • Texture: Dried persimmon slices have a unique texture. They are slightly chewy and can be a bit sticky due to the natural sugars present. The outer layer may have a thin, leathery texture, while the inner flesh is soft and pulpy. The combination of chewiness and softness makes for an enjoyable eating experience.








281 Kcal


2,5 g/100 g


0,2 g/100 g


59 g/100 g


0,004 g/100 g


0,05% SO2



Shelf life


18 months

Late fall through winter

Bulk packaging

5 kg cases

Retail packaging

100 gr, 150 gr, 300kg, 500 gr

  • High Nutrient Concentration: Drying persimmons removes most of their water content, resulting in a more concentrated source of nutrients. Dried persimmons are rich in vitamins, especially vitamin A, vitamin C, and various B vitamins, as well as minerals like potassium and dietary fiber.
  • Antioxidants: Dried persimmons contain a good amount of antioxidants, such as beta-carotene and lutein. These compounds help protect the body from oxidative stress and free radical damage.
  • Digestive Health: The dietary fiber in dried persimmon slices can aid in digestion and help prevent constipation. It promotes regular bowel movements and supports a healthy gut.
  • Weight Management: Dried persimmons are a satisfying snack that can help curb sweet cravings without excessive calorie intake. The natural sugars provide energy, and the fiber promotes a feeling of fullness.

Production process.

  • Selection of raw fruits.
  • Washing.
  • Peeling
  • Cutting in your preferred way.
  • Drying in the oven during 3-4 days at low temper.
  • Conditioning and packaging.

  1. Customer initiates an inquiry.
  2. The company formulates a proposal outlining pricing, payment, and delivery details.
  3. Contract signing and invoice issuance follow.
  4. Upon payment confirmation, the factory commences packaging according to the client's preferences.

Shipping options include:

  • Air shipment (200kg-1,000kg)
  • Ground shipment (700kg-20,000kg)
  • Sea shipment (20ft container: 5–10 tons, 40ft container: 10–20 tons).